Friday 15 April 2011

Hosting/Joining Microsoft Office Live Meeting

I work for a very Large Teleconferencing firm that shall remain nameless, none the less I receive a lot of calls in my line of work at the technical support level. One of the most frequent Mac OSX related issues with callers is 'why cant I host/or have trouble joining a Microsoft Office Live Meeting?'

Our answer for this has been short and sweet. Use a PC. The advent of a very nice piece of software that came my way was Parallels 6.0.1. After getting Windows 7 installed and running on my trial version I decided to try Hosting from my Own Live Meeting account was pleasantly surprised when I noticed that I could host my meetings virtually from my MacBook.

Here is a walk through of what I did to be able to host/login to my meeting and use the host features while still having access to my Mac as well.

The first thing was first I needed to install the virtualization software that I would be installing Windows on. I chose Parallels for it's ease of use and well ...

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