Tuesday 12 April 2011

FaceTime error fixed

For those of us that have downloaded FaceTime for Mac from the Mac App Store and have seen a dialog box with the following text: 'An Internal FaceTime error has occurred. There was a problem with FaceTime. You need to quit and open FaceTime again.'

In doing an investigation as to why FaceTime was not launching (which has been going on since the beta), I came up with this solution to the vexing problem, and here's what you need to do: Go to /Applications, then Right (or Ctrl)-click on FaceTime.app and choose 'Show Package Contents.' Then open the Contents/LaunchAgents folder, and copy the file called com.apple.imagent.plist to your ~/Library/LaunchAgents folder.

There is another file that you need to copy to your ~/Library/LaunchAgents folder as well, but that file on some Macs may or may not be installed. That file is called com.apple.apsd.plist. If that file is not located in ~/Library/LaunchAgents, y ...

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