Tuesday 22 March 2011

Quick access to System Preferences isn't gone

You can open several frequently used System Preferences directly in 10.5 and 10.6 with a simple keyboard shortcut.

If you have an Apple keyboard (or a third party one with similarly branded function keys) you can bring up various system preference panels without using your mouse at all.

Simply hold down the Option key combined with one of the Apple-branded function keys to bring up the related preference panel. So Option+F1 or Option+F2 will bring up Displays.

On the newer keyboards Apple changed the layout of a few of these function keys so they could include iTunes control keys; Option+ those f-keys used to bring up iTunes (under 10.5 and maybe the early versions of 10.6?) but that does nothing now.

Option+ any of the volume keys will bring up the Sound System Pref, and Option+ any of the Expos� function keys will bring up the Expos�/Spaces System Pref.

On a related note -- those newer Apple keyboards no long designate F7 as a toggle f ...

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